GMP+ certificate B11

Good manufacturing practice (GMP) ensures the integrity of food production, storage, transport and trade processes, as well as compliance with food safety regulations. Many companies in the food industry have implemented the GMP certification scheme for food processing as a basis on which to develop and implement other food quality and safety management systems, including HACCP, ISO 22000, SQF and ISO 9001.
GMP + FSA certified companies prove that they meet all the requirements for animal feed safety. From January 1, 2020, companies with GMP + certification are required to conduct tests of critical contaminants in laboratories that have GMP + B11 certification.
Croatiakontrola is pleased to announce that our company has been a certified member of GMP + FSA (Feed Safety Assurance) - GMP + B11 since May 15, 2020 . Compliance with GMP requirements implies laboratory testing of animal feed according to internationally accepted standards and methods.
With GMP + certification, we raise the standard of our services and ensure the level of quality improvement required by business entities that operate and implement GMP + certification in the international trade in animal feed. With this, we meet the growing requirements of business and standards related to quality, safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.
Our goal is a satisfied customer, so we strive to understand the current and future needs of our customers, meet their requirements, expectations and monitor them in their business.