Fast Testing of mycotoxins and GMOs

We have witnessed negative experiences with the presence of mycotoxins in animal feed (primarily corn) which then resulted in the presence of mycotoxins in milk (endangered consumer health and negative consequences for the dairy industry).
Eurofins CROATIAKONTROLA can conduct rapid tests for mycotoxins through the so-called. "Strip tests" that can quickly and on the spot, determine whether the grain has or does not have mycotoxins . This directly ensures the health and safety of food .
Although an increasing number of countries allow the production and marketing of genetically modified products such as soybeans, corn, oilseed rape and other plant species, for these products, the EU market is largely closed. Eurofins CROATIAKONTROLA doo can conduct rapid tests on GMOs through the so-called. "Comic tests" in a way to conduct:
Sampling of goods from each vehicle individually, in the prescribed manner, carried out by Eurofins Croatiakontrola employees
On the average sample, immediately on the spot, the GM content is checked with test strips - "Strip test". This method of verification works according to the "yes or no" system of results.