In the Republic of Croatia, we are the first certified inspection member of GAFTA, the international body for trade in cereals, animal feed and raw materials, and an approved GAFTA laboratory.
Gafta is an international trade organization with more than 1250 members in 86 countries. The goal of the organization is to promote international trade in cereals, animal feed and raw materials, legumes and rice, but also to inform about market trends. Also, Gafta protects the interests of its members in international trade processes by giving them full support in international trade agreements.
EUROFINS CROATIAKONTROLA has been a certified Gafta Superintendent member since January 1999, according to which it performs inspections, tests, quality and quality control of cereals, animal feed and raw materials, legumes, rice and other commodities traded under Gafta contractual terms. The control house issues reports and certificates related to the performed control or consulting services.
EurofinsCroatiakontrola as a certified Gafta Superintendent member unquestionably accepts the "Gafta code of practice" which guarantees independence and impartiality in quality control of goods and cargo in accordance with Gafta's sampling rules.
Gafta Superintendent